Monday, November 30, 2009

 This movie is about a fairy tale that I worked on in my classroom this fairy tale is a popular fairy tale it is called Cinderella. Cinderella is a story about a girl that was forced to clean every inch and corner of the house.

If you like this fairy tale then your just luck but if you don't like this fairy tale then please leave a comment to tell me what your favourite fairy tale is. but for now sit back relax and enjoy the show of my fairy tale. ENJOY  

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Angela. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the fairy tale animations that have come out of Room 15. Cinderella is certainly one of my favourites. You capture all the different parts well in your fantastic animation above. Your story telling skills along with voicover help from your peers was great. I'm looking forward to more wonderful things from you next year Angela. Malo lava le taumafai.
