Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pitch black slide

Help' Help' I shout I am falling
Yay ow ow that was sore 
Drowning when I was speeding the slide 
Rushing through the slide to go first again 
Oohhh i'm scared help me 
Slimy, slippery like a peguin swimming down the pitch black hole
Looking for the light to see where I was going 
I was bumbing and twirling on to the big circle walls 
Don't know how to stop screaming
Everyone was yelling like monkeys


  1. Hello Angela. I love your poem. It grabbed my attention as I feel similar when going down this slide. I am - I suppose what my kids will call a 'chicken'. I am not keen on this particular slide your poem is about as I don't like the fact that you cannot see anything. You've put it right - like going down a 'pitch black hole'.

    'Don't know how to stop screaming', I giggled at this as I tend to scream as it helps me somehow to calm my nerves. Ha ha!

    I hope you have a good break with your family Angela.

    Teine lelei Angela, malo lava le taumafai.

    Mrs Tele'a

  2. Hi Angela,
    I like your poem. It sounds scary but it makes me want to go down it too. There certainly was a lot of screaming going on but I think maybe that was half the fun. Waiting at the top listening to you all, I think the funniest screamer was Jane.
    Anyway I enjoyed reading your poem. Perhaps you can find some photos to go with it Also it would be great to have your animation on your blog too.
    Keep up the good work.
    Ms Squires

  3. Was it cool when you got to the pools how was it was it your frist time going there.By casey

  4. Hey Angela

    WOW!!!That sounded inteseting and you put alot of
    good words in your story and you have alot of inteseting stuff...

  5. I loved you poem, Angela. It is filled with interesting descriptions and I felt that I was there with you.
